Enough people asking what I think of net neutrality so I will attempt to answer, but warning, I do not have a clean and simple answer!

I think the permissionless innovation, nondiscriminatory nature of Internet is of critical importance and must be maintained or strengthened. I also think telco/cable companies need incentives to build far more/better net infrastructure than we have now and be able to make money on it. Due to the economics of network businesses, I think these are extremely difficult principles to reconcile and I don’t envy the regulators.

I further worry about the simplistic and politicized nature of much of the debate, which I think is not conducive to navigating complexity. And I further still worry about the sausage-making of any regulatory process and the likelihood of unanticipated and undesirable outcomes.

And generally, I try to spend my time trying to figure out how to bring more/better/faster Internet to more people in new/different ways.

Source Tweets: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7



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